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Safety Precautions

In order to ensure our business stays open to provide treatment, we are still practicing safely.

Our office will be following all Sacramento County Public Health Orders, California Department of Public Health guidelines for indoor massage therapy practices, and adopt recommended procedures from the Federation of State Massage Therapy Board to ensure a safe environment for our clients and therapists.​


Thank you for understanding!


Updated Precautions &
Safety Protocols (6-1-23)

- Proper face coverings are asked to be worn correctly IF one has recently traveled, attended any high exposure events, or has been around anyone showing signs of any illness within 7 days prior to their scheduled session.


Temperature may be checked prior to the start of a session.  The CDC considers any elevated temperature of 100.4 degrees fahrenheit or higher to be a fever.  Clients whos temperature measures as such or show any signs of illness will not be seen or able to reschedule within 7 days of experiencing symptoms and will be responsible for their sessions cost per cancelation policy.

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